Move Assets to Polygon Network

Why Polygon?

Polygon is a blockchain network that provides secure, fast transactions with extremely low transaction fees. It allows us to leverage fast transactions and low costs to process thousands of bets daily. Polygon Network is trusted by major blockchain projects such as Chainlink, Aave, Curve, Cream, Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Balancer.

Ethereum to Polygon

Polygon has an official bridge from Ethereum to Polygon. You can also use Chainlinks Transporter Bridge that uses CCIP. Note that a transaction fee in ETH is needed to bridge your assets. The bridge supports ETH/LINK/USDC and is easy to use. It is the official and recommended method to bridge funds safely onto Polygon blockchain.

Binance Smart Chain to Polygon

Options for bridging from Binance Smart Chain to Polygon Network

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